Community Garden
Christ Church Bolton Community Garden is an example of how our ministry can include gardening as part of our outreach. It is also a great way to get to know members of your community and show the love of Christ in a tangible way. For more information on our Community Garden, contact our office.
All food grown at the Community Garden will be donated to The Exchange, Caledon Community Services.
CCB Community Garden is located at 12653 The Gore Road, Caledon, ON
Noah’s Ark
Donation Corner
DONATION CORNER located by parking lot door
We are currently collecting:
- Food Bank Donations (for The Exchange, Caledon Community Service)
- Used Prescription Glasses (for Haiti)
- Used Stamps (for The Leprosy Mission of Canada)
- Plastic/Cloth Bags (for delivery of Community Garden produce to The Exchange)
- Pop Can Tabs (church fundraiser)
- School Supplies/Teacher Treats for Haiti (Noah’s Ark)